Roy Golia, LCSW

” Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful parts of ourselves.
David Richo
roy golia


We are amazing at adapting and changing our environments. Even when we are in places that are unstable, unsafe, or inconsistent, we figure out ways to survive. These patterns or beliefs can soothe us, keep us in control or help us to express ourselves, and for many of us, they can also become a burden, and themselves a source of suffering. A complicated mix of discomfort as well as serving a meaningful function. No wonder it’s so hard to make changes, even when we have every reason, and every person, telling us to.
My passion in clinical work is to explore these mechanisms, whether it’s substances, non-stop worry, spacing out, or (insert your ‘whatever’ here.) Together we can work to understand why these mechanisms emerged, why they thrived and where to go when they start becoming outdated.
My goal is to create a safe, supportive environment that allows for healing and transformative growth. I have extensive experience helping people who have problematic substance use as well as depression and anxiety. I am also trained in EMDR, a specialized intervention for trauma survivors.


Office: 6225 Sheridan Dr., Suite 222 Amherst, NY 14221
