Depression Therapy

I’m going to ask you to be kinder to yourself.

Many of my new clients with depression feel that they are failing at life.  They can tell me a hundred things they’ve done wrong in the last year and have trouble thinking of one thing they did right.
Maybe you feel like this. Maybe you think that if you just get tougher on yourself you’ll finally do all the things you “should” do.
I have seen hundreds of people try to guilt, bully, punish, demand, restrict, binge, plead, and self-medicate their way to happiness.  These things just don’t work.  Depression is not a moral failing.  It’s not your lack of effort, discipline, or character that makes you feel bad.  It’s the depression.

The way out of depression is through learning to make changes to both your patterns of thought and your patterns of behavior.  And, since you are going to spend every day of your life with yourself, we will start by learning how to stop tearing yourself down.

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”― Carl Rogers

The most common symptoms reported by my new clients with depression are:

  • Feeling sad, anxious, or empty
  • Having difficulty managing anger
  • Feeling hopeless or pessimistic
  • Feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless
  • Not enjoying things you used to enjoy
  • The trouble with concentration, memory, or making decisions
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Appetite changes
  • Gaining or losing weight
  • Feeling restless or irritable
  • Thoughts of suicide or death

If you would like to learn how to feel happier, please call to schedule an appointment at 716-217-6112.